Under the High Patronage
of His Majesty
King Mohammed VI

1er Forum africain de l'économie mauve
“Climate threats, cultural responses”

Offer more qualitative and various solutions to the planet's ecological challenges
The 1st African Purple Economy Forum has been intentionally scheduled before the opening of the 22nd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22).
The fact is that, given the planet’s ecological challenges, only a response that engages the cultural aspect will be able to offer solutions that are more human, more attractive and better suited to the diversity of our global contexts.
The challenges linked to this realization are sizeable ones for our societies, which is why, after an initial case was made in Le Monde Économie in July 2015 (see below), the time has come for dialogue and co-construction.

The conference will focus on regional issues, while engaging with the international community. It will follow in the footsteps of the first two Internationals Forums (Paris in 2011 and Abu Dhabi in 2013) and will be particularly important as cultural topics become increasingly inescapable. It is expected to have an influential, advisory effect.
The Forum will host some 300 economic, political, cultural and media leaders, primarily coming from Africa, Europe and the Gulf.
The debates will offer simultaneous interpretation in Arabic, English and French.
Media coverage
All the major media outlets in Africa, Europe and the Gulf are invited to cover the
The reports will also be disseminated, namely to more than 2 million Frenchspeaking recipients.
Friday 4 November 2016
03:00 pm – 03:30 pm Opening
03:30 pm – 04:30 pm “Education and empowerment”
04:30 pm – 05:00 pm Break
05:00 pm – 06:00 pm “Collaborative consumption in the era of networks”
Saturday 5 November 2016
10:30 am – 11:00 am Opening
11:00 am – 12:30 am “Urbanity, conviviality and sustainability”
12:30 am – 02:00 pm Cocktail lunch
02:00 pm – 03:30 pm “Markets of experience”
03:30 pm – 04:00 pm Break
04:00 pm – 05:00 pm “Time management and quality of life”
05:00 pm – 05:30 pm Closing
05:30 pm – 07:00 pm Cocktail reception
Le Monde Économie, 1st July 2015
The answer to climate change is also a cultural one
25 major corporate executives, researchers and artists are calling for more creativity in order to fight climate challenges
“All eyes are turned toward the Paris Conference on Climate Change this coming December. That decisive occasion should enable us to limit the impact of climate change and guide our societies through their transition to a carbon-lean green economy.
In order to be successful, politics and technology will need to be mobilized en masse. A number of technical solutions will need to be identified and applied, far and wide and as quickly as possible, to meet this planetary challenge. However, there is one dimension that is all too often eclipsed, despite the fact that UNESCO
has long been citing it as a crucial part of the debates around sustainable development. And that dimension is culture.
If we reduce the solutions proposed at COP21 to a techno-centric approach, and if we fail to incorporate the cultural dimension, we run the risk of continuing to come up against the same obstacles with which we have been dealing for decades now.
Pierre BELLON, Chairman of the Board and Founder of Sodexo; Véronique CAYLA, President of Arte; Bertrand COLLOMB, Honorary Chairman of Lafarge; Pascal COLOMBANI, Chairman of the Board of Valeo; Mercedes ERRA, Executive President of Havas Worldwide; Emmanuel FABER, Chief Executive Officer of Danone; Pierre FONLUPT, Vice-Chairman of MEDEF International; Jean-Baptiste de FOUCAULD, Spokesperson for the Pacte civique; Pierre-Antoine GAILLY, President of the Paris Île-de-France CCI; Jérôme GOUADAIN, Secretary General and Founder of Diversum; Philippe d’IRIBARNE, Sociologist; Pascal LAMY, Chairman of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics; Gilles LIPOVETSKY, Philosopher; Jean-Pierre MASSERET, President of the Lorraine Region; Gérard MESTRALLET, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of ENGIE; Radu MIHAILEANU, Film-maker; Jean MUSITELLI, Former French Ambassador to UNESCO; Grégoire POSTEL-VINAY, Economist; Jean-Jack QUEYRANNE, President of the Rhône-Alpes Region; Odile QUINTIN, Former Director-General at the European Commission; Bernard RAMANANTSOA, Dean of HEC Paris; Jean-François RIAL, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Voyageurs du Monde; Franck RIBOUD, Chairman of Danone; Michel de ROSEN, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Eutelsat; Pierre SIMON, President of Paris-Île-de-France Capitale Économique.
Jérôme GOUADAIN, Secretary General and Founder of Diversum
Forum coordinated by Diversum
Diversum is a French association founded in 2006 and chaired by Jean MUSITELLI, former Permanent Delegate of France and Vice-Chairman of UNESCO’s Executive Board. It unites actors from a wide variety of backgrounds and sectors.
Diversum has initiated a number of large-scale projects to foster recognition of the cultural dimension as a key component of sustainability: top-level meetings, inter-institutional working groups, first ratings agency to measure the cultural impact of some 1,200 companies around the world, and the list goes on.

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