Afternoon: “Toward a quality-based economy”
1:30 | 2:30 Round table: “Culture and the leisure economy”
Cinema, television series, music, games and more. These sectors are no longer on the fringe; they make major contributions to the economy’s dynamics. The growing role of tourism can also be added to this, particularly cultural tourism and the aspect of heritage from which it is inseparable.
2:30 | 3:30 Round table: “Innovation and product upgrades”
In this age of post-Fordian economics, innovation has become a central parameter. In response to this development, and to new quality of life requirements, a whole series of goods and services now need to be upgraded. This phenomenon also encompasses a cultural and aesthetic component.
4:00 | 5:00 Round table: “Sustainable cities”
Purely ecological criteria are not enough to define what makes a “sustainable city”. Mobility, architectural and urbanistic quality, smart networks, equipment, and more: all these technical and cultural dimensions are desirable in 21st century cities... and are also challenges in today’s largely urbanized world.
5:00 | 5:15 Closing
5:15 | Cocktail reception
Discussions will be held simultaneously in the six official languages of the United Nations
(Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish).